Victor Lange

I find great joy in being able to contribute to the well-being of everyone, which serves as a strong motivation for me to systematically work toward a better society. My primary way to act upon this motivation is to help achieve sustainable forms of effective self-organization on all societal levels. For me, this is much more than just a full-time commitment: I have dedicated my life to achieving this goal.

How i describe myself

To an outside observer my lifestyle might seem spontaneous and chaotic but i am really just following my sense of life guided by constant logical evaluation of my current opportunities.
I collect and embrace useful principles such as Hegelian Dialectic, First Principles Thinking and Cybernetics to navigate the challenges and opportunities on my way. I have long ago reached certainty about my longterm-goals, so I meticulously manage my time and seize every opportunity to achieve them, avoiding distractions and inefficiencies of a society that, to me, seems trapped in self-destructive patterns spiraling toward its own undoing.

I strive to align my personal sense of life with what i perceive to be the purpose of life in general:
Evolve complex systems, make them self-sustaining and powerful, then simplify and utilize them to create new, higher-level systems. 

How this translates into my personal Sense of Life

I am profoundly thankful to my environment, society, and humanity at large for the incredible opportunities for growth they've provided. Moreover, i recognize that a powerful society, made up of capable individuals, generates even greater possibilities for personal and collective advancement.

This reinforcing cycle of mutual growth fuels my commitment to developing and refining systems — whether they are personal habits, community initiatives or society as a whole. As these systems mature and become self-sustaining, I work to simplify and optimize them, creating a foundation for new innovation and positive change. This iterative process allows me to contribute to meaningful progress and development on multiple levels, ensuring that my efforts benefit both myself and the broader world.

To be even more concrete:
Develop our Societal Framework until Humanity is safe to enter and survive the nascent space-age.


Lots of Books, Articles, Lectures and Conversations

Various authors, researchers, mentors and public figures

Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

B. Sc. Process Engineering 2018

Hebel Gymnasium, Schwetzingen

Abitur 2012

Favourite books & people i learned a lot from

Corruption in Government 
Susan Rose-Ackerman, Bonnie J. Palifka

Microeconomic Theory
Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green

Designing for Democracy
Jennifer Forestal

Dialektik der Aufklärung
Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno

Albert Einstein, Aristoteles, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Marx, Jesus, Hannah Arendt, George Orwell, Norbert Wiener, Josha Bach, Harald Lesch, Josef Gaßner, Elinor Ostrom, Simone de Beauvoir, Milton Friedman, my parents and many others...


Sustainable Digitization Movement
since 2022

  • Engaged in projects and initiatives to advance the development and utilization of collaborative digital and social technology
  • Helping build Bits & Bäume, a movement covering the nexus of sustainability and digitization carried by 11 influential NGO's 
  • Organizing conferences in various roles (up to 14500 Visitors) 
    Curating, Moderating and Talking on (big) stages (Sustainability and Green - IT) Public relations, business- and policy-advocacy + 
    Scientific Journal Management + Promotion 
    Community management
  • Technical administration of websites and digital infrastructure

Democracy- and Eco-Activism
since 2013

  • Organizing and managing various events, protests and organizations that caught international attention (Hambacher Forest, Lützerath Occupation, Sylt Protest-Camp, Tesla Gigafactory Camp, ...)
  • Mobilizing and promoting democracy and enviroment-protection-movements in Germany; accompanying and hosting prominent public figures and top-politicians; e.g Greta Thunberg, Gregor Gysi, Wolfgang Schäuble 
  • Speaking on stages, holding workshops and giving press Interviews 
  • Institution- and organization-building including Mechanism-design within

Chemical/Process Engineering

2016 - 2019

Emission analysis, process modeling, actualization and validation of process control systems

Bachelor's Thesis with TÜV Süd Industry Service GmbH , GKM Mannheim and STEAG (Creating and validating a simulation of a non-stationary operated heat-exchanger with phase transition) 


Grasping the complexity of the world through extensive and systematic reading and conversation

I dedicate a significant portion of my time to reading books, scientific papers, and Wikipedia articles. An even larger portion is spent discussing and elaborating on my findings and opinions with experts and everyday individuals alike. I do this systematically using the Feynman Technique. Thanks to this, I not only subject my theses and worldviews to scrutiny but also gain insights into the motivations behind people's (political) actions and which facts are commonly overlooked.

I am always looking for sophisticated, scientifically-based deep analysis of societal processes, as well as innovative opinions and views of the world.

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